Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Beautiful Autumn Day...And Random Musings

Of all the seasons, autumn is my favorite. It's a time of year that yields exceptional beauty to the earth: leaves on the ground, the perfect weather, and just a calm quality to nature that is indescribable. I guess what I'm trying to say is that autumn brings a certain peacefulness with it, a peace that is found only around this time of year. It's like all the animals just decide to chill out and relax in autumn.

But as an aside, I truly enjoy thought, ideas, and thinking through things. After all, everything that has ever been created first originated in the mind; creations are products of thought. Developing a sharp mind is essential to navigating yourself through the stormy waters of life. You need to be able to see situations clearly, analyze them, then formulate a game plan to execute. Basically, you need to create a blue print, and blue prints can be created for all aspects of life: career, dating, problem solving, etc. Reading and writing also sharpens the mind. Great pieces of writing from great thinkers not only inspire, but stimulate the mind in profound ways.

I plan on enjoying this weather (while it lasts), as well as cultivating my mind....

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