Thursday, November 3, 2011

Good Music

Lately, I've been trying to cultivate a more discerning ear for music. Rather than just being force-fed commercial Top 40 hits, I've been more selective in what I listen to. One band of note that I like a lot is Incubus. Years ago, I recall hearing and enjoying a single of theirs titled Pardon Me. That is a great song, but with many bands, great singles don't always reflect great albums. All too often you hear a great single and go out and buy the album, only to discover that the single is one of the only good tracks on the album. So, while I liked the single, I didn't take the time to look into the bands' album. I've simply been disappointed too many times....

However, this band is the genuine article. I've heard many other tracks from them, from various albums, and I've enjoyed them all. They have an album that was recently released, and the tracks are just as enjoyable as any of their previous songs. The lyrics have a surprising amount of depth to them, which is rare in a mainstream band. Their sound is unique, and lead singer Brandon Boyd has a distinctive voice. Individual to the core, bands like this usually stay on the fringe. Defying the odds, much like Prince did back in the 80's, they own a good deal of popularity: their new album has received a good amount of fanfare.

So, if Indie/alternative bands, be sure to check out Incubus.

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