Monday, November 21, 2011

For What it's Worth

I often wonder how many deviant thoughts (any socially unacceptable thoughts) your average person has in one day. I'd be willing to bet that they are innumerable, an amalgamation of that which is acceptable and pleasant, with the sordid and strange. Who wouldn't want to be a fly inside a random person' skull wall, listening to their deepest and darkest thoughts? I only write about this because we all like to think that we are morally sound people, and while having deviant thoughts doesn't make one immoral, thoughts can lead to actions. And the truth is, we all have the potential to be bad; anyone can commit criminal acts.

The freest people accept that they are not one hundred percent good or evil, and that given the right circumstances, anyone can commit atrocious acts. When you understand this, you relieve yourself of the onerous task of trying too hard to be good. Being "good" should not be the end-all-be-all of living. The goal is self-control. The goal is to tame the naughty side, not to abolish it. You should never give the evil side carte blanche in your life, because that would quite naturally lead to your early demise. Controlling it is the only real option if you want to be effective in life.

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